businesses that offer Building Supplies services in West Sussex

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  Balcombe Estate Sawmill

Wednesday 9th March 2016

Situated in the heart of Sussex among 3500 acres of picturesque countryside, The Balcombe Estate Sawmill supplies naturally sourced and high quality timber products that match all your construction needs. Products available include bollards, chestnut stakes, posts, softwood or oak beams cut to specification and a contract sawing sewing allowing the team to get precise cuts on your chosen timber.

  MC Property Maintenance

Tuesday 17th November 2015

MC Property Maintenance have plenty of years� experience providing clients across the West Sussex area with expert high level access painting and decorating services from our base just outside Bognor Regis. We pride ourselves on the outstanding value for money and quality of work we have to offer and as established painting and decorating contractors you can count on us to meet the highest possible standards every time. Call us

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