businesses that offer Education services in Surrey

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  Bloo House School

Thursday 19th November 2015

Bloo House School is an independent school providing a modern and unique approach to learning for 5 – 11 year olds. Situated in Esher, Surrey, the school incorporates an 8-aptitude curriculum that is designed to enable children to grow and develop academically, socially and emotionally. Bloo House offers an educational experience that is far superior to that of traditional schooling methods, with the success and development of our pupils the

  Red Box UK

Thursday 29th October 2015

Redbox Teachers provide expert advice and assistance for teaching assistants, LSA�s and SEN teachers looking at applying for primary schools located across London. With extensive experience in opportunities across London, using careful vetting processes and expert advice, use Redbox Teachers whether you are looking for a teaching position, or you require a new supply teacher for your school.

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