On this page you can view Buinesses that offer Solicitors Services in Stockport.

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  Integra Solicitors

Thursday 16th January 2020

Integra Solicitors was established to provide the best possible legal service to both business and personal clients at an optimum price and to provide a practical and convenient alternative to the bigger law firms in the market place. Integra’s team of experienced solicitors encompasses a broad range of skills. Do call us to see if we can cater to your legal needs. We pride ourselves on providing an


  Mortons Solicitors

Tuesday 3rd March 2015

Specialist criminal defence & motoring solicitors in Greater Manchester & Cheshire. Providing free police station representation. Court Representation & advocacy at all levels of Criminal Courts. Includes a serious crime department handling all the most serious cases including murder, sexual offences, serious fraud, robbery etc. Motoring department dealing with drink driving, drug driving, dangerous driving, careless driving, no insurance, no licence etc.


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