businesses that offer Building Supplies services in Kent

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Monday 17th July 2023

At Earthworks, we specialise in delivering various typical building and landscaping aggregates, including Cement, Shingle, Ballast, Limestone, Building Sand, Ragstone and Sharp Sand. Many of our customers, which typically include landscape gardeners, builders, groundwork contractors and DIY Enthusiasts, opt for our standard 0.8-tonne bags or (builders’ bags). However, our grab lorries can deliver significantly larger loads of up to 20 tonnes, making Earthworks the perfect partner for construction works of

  Lowrie Modular Buildings

Thursday 4th August 2016

Lowrie Modular Buildings specialise in the installation of modular buildings. We also offer modular building hire services, modular building relocation, and refurbishments. We also have a range of new modular buildings for sale.

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