businesses that offer Human Resources services in Hertfordshire

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  Consensus HR

Sunday 24th May 2020

We take the pain out of managing people whilst preventing people problems. We are a personal, unique HR & Employment Law service, helping employers who cannot support their own in-house Human Resources department. Our monthly packages are designed to be affordable and scales with your business as you grow. We hold the highest Employment Law qualifications (Level 7) with our Chartered Institute and all our advice is fully professionally liability insured and

  Consensus HR

Friday 6th March 2015

In plain English, I help SMEs to get the best from their teams and businesses whilst helping them with their people solutions. Consensus HR & Business understands the importance of how effective Human Resources and business management can make a valuable difference financially, legally and operationally in the business environment. We understand that many companies do not have the luxury of employing a full time HR or business management professional but

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