businesses that offer Property Services services in East Sussex

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Latest businesses added to this page

  Callaways Estate Agents

Monday 16th January 2023

An expert team of estate agents in Brighton, Hove and Sussex specialising in sales and lettings since 1935. Visit the website today to find your perfect property.

  HardingBond Property Consultants

Thursday 7th June 2018

The Harding Bond team has particular expertise in dealing with historic and listed buildings, including restoration of lime mortar and render, timber frame repairs, conservation specifications and archaeological recording.

  Southdown Surveyors

Friday 5th February 2016

Southdown Surveyors offers surveying and building consultancy services to clients across Eastbourne, Bexhill, Hastings and areas throughout East Sussex. With experience surveying properties both locally and across the South East of England, Southdown Surveyors offer services including homebuyer reports, party walls, valuations and more to ensure clients have all the relevant information they need.

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