businesses that offer Jewellery services in East Sussex

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  W.E Clark & Son

Friday 4th January 2019

The expert team at W.E. Clark & Son are passionate about providing an exceptional, knowledgeable service to all of their customers. Aside from their carefully curated collection of fine jewellery, watches and luxury gifts, they offer expert watch and jewellery repairs, valuations, engraving and a bespoke creation service. Visit the website for more information or make an appointment today.

  W.E.Clark & Son Watch Repairs

Tuesday 26th September 2017

W.E Clark & Son specialises in vintage pocket watch repair and restoration for clients throughout the UK and across the world. As one of the only UK jewellers with a Master Watchmaker on site, W.E Clark & Son can restore an extensive range of antique pocket watches to prime condition. Visit the website today for more information and to get in touch with W.E Clark & Son today.

  Pruden and Smith

Wednesday 13th April 2016

With a wide range of gorgeous jewellery to choose from, whether you want something completely new, a repair, an engraving, advice on bespoke jewellery and much more, Pruden and Smith take pride in offering bespoke services to all their clients. Based in Ditchling in Sussex, Pruden and Smith provide a selection of different services, from commissions to valuations and repairs to suit your needs.

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