businesses that offer Photographers services in Dorset

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  TWP Bournemouth

Thursday 4th August 2016

TWP Bournemouth is a Bournemouth-based company that specialises in professional wedding photography for brides and grooms that are looking for a natural and relaxed approach to their wedding collection. Tim Whiting is the owner and main photographer at Memories. His services include no hidden costs or fees, providing excellent feedback for his work.

  PDMS Photography

Wednesday 4th March 2015

PDMS Photography is based in Dorset and provides a professional and comprehensive yet flexible photographic service including Commercial, PR and Wedding photography. Our extended service area includes the counties of Dorset, Somerset, Wiltshire, Hampshire and the south west region.

  Rick McEvoy Photography

Tuesday 3rd March 2015

Professional photographer based in Dorset providing high quality photography and a high quality service to businesses and private clients in Dorset and Hampshire.

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