On this page you can view Buinesses that offer Business Cleaning Services in London.

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  Spectrum Window Cleaning

Saturday 29th October 2016

Spectrum Window Cleaning Ltd is a specialist cleaning company for London and the South East. We specialize in Rope Access and abseiling and offer a full spectrum of specialist cleaning services, ranging from window cleaning to specialist power washing services. We have a vast amount of experience in cleaning high rise buildings and external facades. Our professional team are equipped and qualified to offer a full range of access solutions,


  RCL Office Cleaners London

Friday 25th September 2015

We at RCL Office Cleaners are the premier commercial and office contract cleaning provider in London. Our teams of capable, qualified and properly equipped technicians and cleaners can take complete care for your building, office or other type of property. Our expert crews use only first-class steam cleaning equipment along with the most effective and quality products and detergents.


  House Cleaning Services London

Monday 27th June 2016

At House Cleaning Services we provide comprehensive cleaning services to bring your property up to the highest standard of cleanliness. Our services include: domestic cleaning, carpet cleaning, end of tenancy cleaning, window cleaning and many more. No matter which of our services you'll choose, the job will be always perfectly done using non-toxic and eco-friendly detergents. Check out our website for more information or book on 020 8114 0007.


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