On this page you can view Buinesses that offer Bio Cleaning Viral Disinfection Services or have listed their business in the Bio Cleaning Viral Disinfection category.

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  Genie Bio Clean (Canterbury)

Monday 25th May 2020

Genie BIO Clean (Canterbury) specifically targets cleaning sectors where sanitisation and antibacterial and pathogen elimination are a priority, including COVID-19 treatment and control. Business Offices Restaurants,Schools and Retail Shops are among many needing protection now and in the future for their employee's and customers. Our cleaning systems can be used as a stand alone Pre-Open clean and more importantly as a preventative maintenance plan to suit your budget. We look forward to


  Genie Bio Clean (Canterbury)

Monday 25th May 2020

Genie BIO Clean (Canterbury) specifically targets cleaning sectors where sanitisation and antibacterial and pathogen elimination are a priority, including COVID-19 treatment and control. Business Offices Restaurants,Schools and Retail Shops are among many needing protection now and in the future for their employee's and customers. Our cleaning systems can be used as a stand alone Pre-Open clean and more importantly as a preventative maintenance plan to suit your budget. We look forward to


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