This business is listed in the taxis section of our website
- 0116 239 39
- leicestershire
- Glenfield
- Other Pages: kirby taxis - airport taxis - commercial taxis
- For more than 12 years, Kirby Taxis has been the trusted choice for customers seeking punctual and reliable transportation, ensuring a seamless journey to their destinations. With a diverse fleet of 50+ contemporary vehicles ranging from 4 to 8-seaters, our commitment to ensuring your timely arrival and enjoyable travel experience remains our foremost focus. Additionally, our round-the-clock availability guarantees that whenever you require transportation, Kirby Taxis is here to assist you.
- Also Listed In:
taxis in Glenfield
leicestershire Business Directory
Glenfield Business Directory
taxis in leicestershire
taxis Directory
- This business listed their business in these categories:
Taxis Leicester
Taxi Leicester
Taxi Company

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