On this page you can view Businesses that listed their business in the Private Healthcare category.

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Latest private healthcare businesses added

  One Hatfield Hospital

Thursday 9th May 2024

One Hatfield is a private hospital providing a wide range of treatments including specialist rehabilitation physiotherapy and outpatient diagnostic facilities including fast-track access to X-Ray, CT, MRI and ultrasound as well as general surgery, orthopaedics, urology, gynaecology, ENT and endoscopy. Located in Hatfield, the hospital is also offers a private GP service and is ideally located for patients in St. Albans, Stevenage, Watford, North London and throughout Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire.


  One Ashford Hospital

Thursday 9th May 2024

One Ashford is a private hospital providing a wide range of treatments including orthopaedics, general surgery, urology, gynaecology, cosmetic surgery, ENT and endoscopy for patients of all ages. It also offers a private GP service too. Located in Ashford, the hospital is also ideally situated to cater for patients in Folkestone, Dover, Maidstone and Canterbury too.


  General & Medical Healthcare - Private Health Insurance

Wednesday 15th April 2015

General & Medical Healthcare are specialist providers of Private Health Insurance giving low cost access to high quality private healthcare. We have agreements in place with hundreds of hospitals and medical facilities throughout the UK, each one carefully selected for the quality of their facilities and the care they provide.


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