On this page you can view Businesses that listed their business in the Design category.

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Latest design businesses added

  Logoinn UK

Tuesday 10th March 2015

A Logo Design is the first thing that gets noticed on your website, business card, letterhead or brochure. The professional visual appearance of your logo design instils confidence and trust into your target market.


  Ryans Direct

Friday 6th March 2015

We are a local (Liverpool) Bathroom Retailer & Plumbers Merchants, providing goods to both the Public and Trade over the past 30+ years I would be grateful for any opportunity to give you a quote for any goods you require. We can also give a 0% interest Credit Account facility, where you pay for the goods at the end of the NEXT month that you received them. (eg: you collect a bathroom @


  Depixion Studios Ltd

Tuesday 3rd March 2015

Depixion Studios Ltd, a Long Eaton based purpose built design studio for hire, we facilitate all the creative space, technology with an open plan studio. Specifically built to house freelance creative individuals to become part of a bigger business. Hire for a day, week, or monthly, hire meeting rooms, give your clients the impression that you are part of a creative hub, influencing design and creativity in Nottingham and Derbyshire.


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