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Latest Drone Photography businesses added

  Skykam Drone Inspections

Tuesday 24th May 2022

A topographical survey is a type of survey that is used to collect data about the features of a piece of land. This includes information about the elevation, shape, and size of the land. Plus any features that may be present on it. We use the latest technology to help us collect accurate data for our clients. We make use of drones to complete our land surveys. This allows us


  Drone Tech Aerospace Ltd (HQ)

Saturday 4th August 2018

Drone Services Above & Beyond Others... Aerial drone services for land surveying (topographical photogrammetry & LiDAR), inspection of buildings/bridges/cranes/construction sites/industrial structures/roofs, and aerial photography & video/film. DTA supplies market leading drone services for engineering applications and photography/film. We develop our own drone technology systems and are able to fly and apply engineering solutions simply not available from the average drone services companies who fly off the shelf drone systems. Think of the difference between


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