businesses that offer Air Conditioning services in South Yorkshire

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  Matt Air

Sunday 3rd March 2019

As a leading temperature and control specialist, we offer air conditioning, refrigeration and air handling solutions to businesses throughout the UK. Only supplying and installing products from leading manufacturers ensures you are provided with products that use the latest technology together with long time usage. Within our team, we have over 60 years experience of working within the industry. This provides us with the technical experience and knowledge to design and install

  BR Maintenance

Monday 8th June 2015

BR Maintenance are experts in the servicing, repair and installation of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration units, operating in Sheffield, Leeds and Barnsley. With over 20 years or experience, we have a bustling client portfolio filled with the likes of, Starbucks, The NHS, Sheffield University and many more. All our staff are fully qualified and have at least 2 years experience. Our staff show up on time ready for the task at

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