On this page you can view Buinesses that offer Music Tuition Services in Poole.

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  Stu Wood Guitar Tuition

Wednesday 29th April 2020

Guitar, Bass Guitar and Ukulele lessons provided in all modern styles of music, but specialise in rock, funk, pop and blues playing. I teach electric and acoustic guitar from beginner to advanced levels, and bass guitar and ukulele from begginer to intermediate standard. I am situated in Poole but teach in surrounding areas also including Hamworthy, Parkstone and Bournemouth. Teaching may cover many aspects such as - Technical Development (Technique,


  Stu Wood Guitar Tuition

Wednesday 21st August 2019

Guitar, Bass Guitar and Ukulele lessons provided in all modern styles of music, but specialise in rock, funk, pop and blues playing. I teach electric and acoustic guitar from beginner to advanced levels, and bass guitar and ukulele from begginer to intermediate standard. I am situated in Poole but teach in surrounding areas also including Hamworthy, Parkstone and Bournemouth. Teaching may cover many aspects such as - Technical Development (Technique,


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