businesses that offer Cooking services in London

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  Cool Cakes by Chris

Sunday 27th September 2020

Personalised cake maker based in SW London. I specialise in making novelty, creative cakes, tailored to each customer. I can work to a theme or simply add those little touches that makes your cake unique to you. My custom-made cakes are suitable for birthdays, events, receptions, wedding, functions and more. Based in Surbiton you can collect or I can deliver my custom made cakes to any location in Surrey and London.

  The Coconut Company

Monday 2nd March 2020

The Coconut Company provide a fabulous range of coconut goodies, including coconut oils, coconut sugar, coconut flour, vegan coconut milk powder, sweet coconut nectar and a range of naturally fermented coconut vinegar and tangy coconut amino sauces.

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