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  Prestige College

Friday 6th March 2015

''Prestige College is an independent sixth form college for students wishing to obtain GCSE/IGCSE and A-level qualifications. We are based in Greater Manchester and Yorkshire. Our programmes are tailored to meet the educational demands and needs of students with teaching/tutoring that ensure that their personal goals are met. We offer regular and intensive GCSE/IGCSE and A-level courses with our team of highly experienced experts teachers who are


  Exam Crash Courses

Friday 6th March 2015

Revise the syllabus in one day with fully qualified and experienced tutors on one of our crash courses at optimal tutors. All tutors are examiners and the revision courses are tailored to the needs of each student in a variety of subjects. One A level unit per day and one GCSE subject per day.


  Optimal Tutors

Friday 6th March 2015

Optimal Tutors, an award winning learning centre and tutoring service provider helping students to achieve their academic and mental potentials. We provide tutoring at our fully fitted classrooms at the Optimal house on a one-to-one or group tuition basis or we can simply come to you if you opt for the option. We tailor the tutoring to meet your requirements. We can also provide online tutoring in and outside the


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